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Time to get on the same page

Quite often Strategic Planning is one job that never gets crossed off the to-do-list.

Busy professionals are finding themselves so time poor that thought of a lengthy and time consuming strategic planning session is not at the top of the priority list.

The good news . . . is that the length of a strategic plan doesn’t dictate its level of effectiveness.

Strategic Planning in itself is a business growth strategy. Planning provides you with the opportunity to consider what the future may hold and align resources today to support that vision.  You no longer need to produce lengthy time consuming documents. What a blessing that in today’s age of information overload.

A simple one-page document will allow you to get the goals of your business across all departments and team members, quickly and succinctly.

A simple and effective strategic plan can be produced with the Now – Where – How Method.

This is where you assess your business by asking where are you NOW and WHERE do you want to go? Then you can produce your strategic plan by HOW you are going to get to where you want to go.

Understanding where your business is now and where you want your business to go, is fundamental to the success and sustainability of any business. A clear understanding of your businesses core capabilities, strengths and weaknesses will provide you with the platform to better design your business so that you are focussing on the right things.

Strategic planning has the added benefits of aligning your team with your goals and to evaluate the allocation of your organisational resources and modify accordingly. If you have ever caught yourself saying “we all need to be on the one page” . . . well this is the one page

Taking the time to create a one – page business plan will ensure you are designing your business in line with your vision and focusing on areas that will deliver the best performance, productivity and profit both now and in the future.

If you would like a copy of my free one page plan template, simply click on the button below

Remember, if you don’t work out where you are going with your business, how will you know if you get there?


Sean ‘on the same page’ Martyn



PS: Whenever you’re ready . . . here are 4 ways we can help you grow your business:

  1. Join the Business By Design HUB & connect with other businesses who are scaling too. It’s our private facebook community where we share the latest insights, business tips and ask questions about business. — Join now by just Clicking Here
  2. Download The Profit Booster Hacks for business.  These 12 simple strategies guarantee more profit in your business without having to find any new customers! – just Click Here …….it’s free
  3. Join our Business Leaders Program.  There are 4 key elements to the program that guarantees success; Coaching & Training / Quarterly Workshops / an Online Support portal and scores of tools / An active Peer-To-Peer Network of clients helping each other. To find out more – Click Here
  4. Work with me and my team privately.  If you’d like to work directly with me and my team to take your profit from 6 figures to 7 figures and beyond … just reply to this message and put “Private” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to achieve together, and I’ll get you all the details!