Exactly one week has passed since I attended the funeral of my father-in-law. . . It was a tough day.
His name was Vic, he was 82 and a great man.
Obviously, it was a sad day, because he was well-loved by his family and his friends and he will be missed terribly.
But it was also a lovely celebration of his life.
Vic and his wife raised four kids and have nine grandchildren. They were all there celebrating a life well-lived.
Now I don’t blog very often about my personal experiences but this last week really got me thinking. . .
Maybe like me funerals tend to make you reflect a little bit about your own life, what you’re doing and the ultimate reason for being here. You know those BIG life questions.
So I find myself thinking a lot about legacy
What is the legacy that I’m going to leave for my family and friends?
Hopefully, this is way down the track, but it will happen someday.
So, what legacy are you going to leave when your time is finally up?
My conclusion about the legacy we leave behind is simple …
Ultimately our legacy is determined by how we spend our time.
Think of the hours you spend in your business and at work.
A huge part of our life gets spent here.
If you’re spending 45+ hours every week working in your business…
If you’re too busy to hang out with your kids, your significant other or your wider family or too busy to get involved in the community, and just do stuff that’s fun…
… what’s the legacy that you’re going to leave?
We all want to be remembered a particular way. Maybe… As a good person, generous etc. Or for being successful, hard-working etc. Or a person who made a difference, gave back etc. Or one who had an adventurous life with great stories to tell.
If we’re constantly under the stress and pressure of running our business it can literally take over your life. Causing many sleepless nights and consuming every waking hour . . . It makes us tired, cranky, and not so fun to be around.
So, what’s your legacy going be?
And how are the people in your life going to remember you when your time’s up?
When it’s game over?
It’s something to think about.
Note: The photo in this blog is the view of Mt Feathertop that I took in from the family home, as I reflected on the amazing man we lost.
PS: Whenever you’re ready . . . here are 3 ways I can help you grow your business:
1. Download The Profit Booster for business ‘e’ book. These 12 simple strategies guarantee more profit in your business without having to find any new customers! – just Click Here …….it’s free
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