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To get the most out of your business, design it so it can scale up and thrive

Grow and Scale Fast!

Sustainable Business Growth

Businesses grow in two ways: by default, and by design.

Whether you want to simply increase sales or transition your business from start-up to mid-market to global heavyweight, sustainable growth requires planning and careful design. Leaving growth to default risks burn out, cash flow problems and even bankruptcy.

Sean has developed a success model that will help you to clarify your vision and establish a clear pathway to achieve business growth. Concentrating on people, processes and profits, Sean helps you to focus on the accelerators that will enable you to grow the business sustainably, yet quickly. Counter intuitively this means you can grow and scale your business, while freeing up personal time. It may sound too good to be true, but it IS possible.

Of course, it’s all too easy to get distracted by fire-fighting and setbacks, reverting to a default model. Meeting regularly with Sean will help to keep you focussed and on track.

Are you ready to grow and scale your business by design? Want to gain more money, more time and more freedom? Get in touch and ask Sean how his growth success model can work for you and your business.

Ready for Growth?

Let's get started!

What People Say

Nigel & Kate Kerin

Kerin Ag

Sean is a strong, systems-focussed character who is very knowledgeable on a range of subject areas that impact small business. He is an excellent communicator and a captivating educator. One of Sean’s great attributes is being able to identify the weak link in a business, and the processes needed to address this. He brought accountability...

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Grant Nicholas


In our first meeting Sean showed me how we could immediately earn another $48,000 profit. Pretty handy return on three hours work! Two months later we took it further and added a further $58,000. Everyone needs  advice like this!!!

Mark Pelt

Advanced Technology

I’ve never had that much staff engagement than we have at the moment. And my wife who is also my Office Manager, has finally managed to take two days off every week. So she doesn’t need to be there all the time. I myself have managed to take a day off a week where I...

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Bart Shanks

Farmers Bakehouse

I’d certainly recommend Business By Design to anyone in business that was considering using a coaching service or a service to improve their business, if they’re at a stage where they’re very operational or they want to grow their business. I certainly got the results from the engagement with Sean and Business By Design.  

Ideas And Resources To Explore

Scaling Smart: How to Expand Your Business Without Breaking the Bank


Understanding Operational Audits and Gap Analysis: Essential Tools for Business Success


Pricing in an Inflationary Economy


The Business Benchmarker Quiz

Free Tool

Never loose a customer again – Tips for retaining customers & driving loyalty


The Business Sweet Spot Guide

Free Tool